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Be part of a community.
Talk to other Singaporeans on various topics like Relationships, Work, School etc. Share what's going on in your own life.
Find Support.
Speak to others who are going through Mental Health experiences, like Depression, Anxiety, ADHD, Personality Disorders etc.
Share what has helped for you and help others along in their journey.
Make new Friends.
Find people based on similar experiences. Learn to be vulnerable so other's can be vulnerable to you too!
Come Hear.SG is a community-led initiative.
Do note that this is an anonymous server where we encourage you to take care of your own personal boundaries and information too. The server is kept safe by volunteer admins and moderators. All members have to comply to guidelines there and admins reserve the right to remove any members at their discretion.
This server is affiliated to IASH.SG but we do not have ownership of the server and is owned and run by the community there.
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